Melody Weigel
12/29/2020 07:00:25 am
I’m about a third of the way through. The narrator speaks in so many anecdotes and imaginative stories sometimes it’s hard telling what’s real and what’s her imagination. So far I have been assuming 90% of what she says is her imagination. I think her tail is something she has created for herself as protection, to make her strong, a top predator. Similarly, Ben sees herself as a bird who can fly away at any given moment. The one thing I am confused about is when the narrator and her family are on the mainland and she describes her father and brother flying away as kites. The whole scene I thought the father and brother had jumped off the building and died, but that did not happen. I am having trouble figuring out what actually happened. Anyone have any thoughts? I’d love to hear. I’m enjoying the book so far!
1/8/2021 12:19:59 pm
so i’m not gonna lie, i didn’t finish this book. i probably have 30 pages left. i thought it was good i just really could not get into it at all. maybe because it read like poetry, which is not exactly my thing. you need a verrryyyy big imagination to kinda comprehend this book. i couldn’t tell what was real and what wasn’t real, which might not be a bad thing for some people but it kinda made me feel lost. honestly the only reason i kept reading is because i liked the main character, Ben. she was fun. i just want to know like how the hell the hole in the ground worked. how were they feeding it and how was shooting out letters. like physically how is that possible. maybe the letters were also a figment of Ben’s imagination. maybe i will give it another go another time.
1/8/2021 12:35:52 pm
hello its me again, i've made a mistake the main character is Daughter and her friend/love interest is Ben. also i realized, this book was kind of like a mystery thriller movie that you keep waiting for some kind of explanation but you never get one.
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